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Pillaged Nest (One for Sorrow)
Continuous single channel 1080p video loop without sound, variable dimensions, 2011.
Bell jar, Pigeon eggs, Pigeon feathers,
Ø 10, h. 14,5 cm, 2011.


"Pillaged Nest (One For Sorrow)" consists of two parts: A silent animation, in a continuous loop with no beginning or end, in which one sees a magpie raiding a Pigeon nest and a bell jar with the remains of a looted Pigeon nest.

The subtitle (One For Sorrow) refers to a nursery rhyme from the late 1700s - By counting the number of Magpies one could predict the future. The Magpie also has been used as a symbol of sickness, sorrow and misery in old folklore.

Pillaged Nest (One for Sorrow)
Continuous single channel 1080p video loop without sound, variable dimension, 2011.
Pillaged Nest (One for Sorrow)
Bell jar, Pigeon eggs, Pigeon feathers, Ø 10, h. 14,5 cm, 2011.