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Mdf sculpture with a spinning wheel and sound, 180 x 146 x 146 cm, 2009.


The scenery, Karlskronaplan (Malmö), is plainly an abstract evocation. There is a model of the Big Wheel once placed in Folkets Park (The People's Park) in the background. The Big Wheel goes round slowly on a loop. Outside and below the window lays the traffic-laden, Amiralsgatan. You can hear the noise from the street but not see it. Beyond the soundscape of the street, you can hear the monotonous sound of the Big Wheel in the distance.

The work raises questions about what we perceive as private or public. Where we draw the line between the private and the public. If we need the public to be private.

Mdf sculpture with a spinning wheel and sound, 180 x 146 x 146 cm, 2009. Detail peephole 28 x 18 x 10 cm.
Mdf sculpture with a spinning wheel and sound, 180 x 146 x 146 cm, 2009. Detail scenery.